Sunday, 25 February 2018


Every day after lunch and hui (team talk), Kea Hub moves into Room 8 to practice mindfulness to help us to settle into the afternoon with more focus. We sit and practice our breathing and listening to the things around us. Before we start any practice we sit with a straight back and a soft belly. We can choose to close our eyes or look at a spot on the wall. We are learning to be more focused and for some of us, being mindful helps us to be ready for our mahi.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Find your field of dreams swimming

We walked quickly to Boys' High today (Thursday), to test our swimming skills. We got in, in groups of 5 and showed our best free-style to the other end of the pool. 
I saw lots of splashing. It reminded me of having free time in the Boys' High pool.
We floated like a star fish on our back. Our instructors are Robyn, Amber and Brady. 
Sam felt nervous like someone who was on stage because everyone watched me do freestyle. Fabian felt unconfident because he wasn't sure about floating on his back. He kept falling back down. Raedence felt nervous waiting to get in because the pool was really deep and cold. Hodan felt excited because she wants to learn how to swim.
We will all bring our togs on Thursday so we can go again.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Living World Science

We are learning to be curious about the living world. 
We notice, think and wonder.
We talk to our partners and share our thoughts with the class.
We use common, scientific and Māori names to label parts of the living world.

Hub Treaty and Toolkit learning

Raedence and Maria
We the people of Kea Hub 2018 agree to…
  • Follow the toolkit.
  • Participate in all activities
  • Be respectful. This includes:
  • Doing as the teachers asks, the first time,
  • Treating others the way you want to be treated,
  • Listening when someone is speaking.

  • Look after equipment & the environment.
  • Be mindful, sensible & inclusive.
  • Share everything in our hub, collaboratively.
Aaliyah and Tayla

Sam and Piata

Kate, Dez and Anijioke.

Toi: Visual pepeha