Thursday, 22 November 2018

Kauri End of Year Disco


The Nature Trail - reporting from Kea Hub.

It was a cold, glistening Spring morning. The time was 10 o'clock in the morning. Room 18 led us (Rm 8 and 9) to the nature trail. At the base of the nature trail, by the huts, and green and red shed Sonya taught us about native, endemic and introduced trees and animals (species). We also played a game about what was in the nature trail.

We then walked to the next station. The leaders of this station were standing in the trees. They told us about building the nature trail. They also told us about putting up shelters for us to sit on on a sunny day.

We went to the next station. Here Tyson hurt his sore arm. We learned what a silver fern was and about weeds. They can hurt plants and suck off all the water. If they grow bigger they hurt all the trees. Safwan nearly slipped down the nature trail, but a person helped him at the last second. Thank goodness.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Tākaro time in Kea Hub

We are exploring our toolkit learning by playing a variety of games and activities with different people than we normally work with.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Sketching bones

We were managing ourselves by concentrating on sketching. 
We were relating to others by sharing the bones and showing each other our work.
We were thinking: "I thought it was the backbone." "What kind of animal is this from?" "What part of the body this was from?" "How old it was?" "Was it from anything that had lived here?" 

We were being creative by using and think about a talking, whispering and shouting pencil.

"I wondered what gender this bone was from?"

We comment on each other's work. It was tricky to get all the bumps in the right place. It was hard to be mindful of each other. It was difficult because it was a 3D object. The lines and shapes, the teeth and the connecting parts, a nose was tricky. The details were hard to do.


Toi: Visual pepeha